
I joined twitter last week, and I already feel like an old man because I don’t understand the point of it. Why should I care what my friends are doing during the day? I don’t give a rat’s ass if you’re ironing your clothes, waiting for a meeting or about to slip into a hot bath. I figure if you’d want me to know, you’ll call me, or let me know the old fashioned way by blogging about it.

And why you’re at it, get off my lawn <—joke never gets old.

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2 thoughts on “Twitter

  1. Hey, I’m following you now at twitter. We talked about this at your place the other night. I think Twitter has potential. It’s a good way to be short and to the point about things. It’s also good for promoting things, like posting a new blog post or mentioning an impromptu BBQ on that new grill of yours.

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