I should really get back to this

Blogs and I have an on again off again love affair. More specifically, I have issues with my own blog. Sure, your blog is cool and dresses well and is funny and interesting. Your blog is very tempting. I must admit, I’ve cheated on my blog with your blog more than once. It was just for fun; it didn’t mean anything. It was like we went bowling or cow tipping. But every time I hung out with your blog, I was reminded of mine, sitting there in its tiny Internet home, waiting to be tended to. The guilt, though, was always suppressed by another Web site or, now hang with me here, life away from a computer.

Today is another beginning. I’m coming home to my blog.

Starting tomorrow.

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2 thoughts on “I should really get back to this

  1. Well I’m sure glad for that. Because I was getting tired at laughing and my own blog. Let’s face it, mine is in the crapper these days.

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