Commuting Can Be Costly

One of my pet peeves is traffic. More specifically, I don’t like commuting, which is the cause of most traffic. If you’re a knowledge worker and you can do 90 percent of your job at home, why bother with a commute? It’s time that could be better used for productivity. True, you could put in a language learning disc, for example, and listen to it while driving. But I think it would be more fun to learn a language at home where you can fully concentrate on it and not worry about someone crashing into you. Then again, maybe you live for danger. More power to you.

What I’m trying to say is commuting can be costly. Check out the graphic below and learn just how costly it is. Maybe this is something you can use for future wage negotiations or in creating a more flexible work arrangement. Or maybe you can read it for just the numbers, if you’re in to that sort of thing. More power to you.

Click image to enlarge
Cost of Commuting Infographic
Via: Streamline Refinance

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