I’m killing the crickets

You know, people on the street always come up to me and ask, “Pimplomat, what the hell you been up to bud?” And I usually shrug and mutter something about jail and penguins and Connecticut. It’s enough to throw them off beam and let me get past them.

But here, my faithful three readers, I’m going to tell you what I’ve been up to lately. Honestly.

1) Jaymay. I love her voice and her lyrics and the little movements in her music. She has a new album coming out on 27 November 2007. Purchase it.  

2) I’m taking an acting fundamentals class. I haven’t been on stage as an actor since 9th grade, and it’s something that I miss. This is a good way for me to either relive my past or revive a dying part of myself.

3) Travelling. I’ve been doing that a lot for work. Montreal, Berlin, Oslo, and Philadelphia were my last four trips. Berlin, I have you in my sight for a return trip. It truly was a love at first sight affair.

4) Applying for jobs in a big city that starts with New.

By the way, since I moved over to WordPress, I believe I lost some people that read my blog on a regular/semi-regular basis. If you’re one of those people and you’re still around, please drop a hello in the comments section. I’ll buy the first drink.  

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