The negative list

Awhile ago, when she had a blog that talked about more than basketball (not that that’s a bad thing, but you got my email WD), Wee Demon posted a link to a site where you listed all the things you’re sick of. I forget what Web site it was, so I’m going to post my latest fed-up with items. Why? Because it’s cool to be negative and full of angst (once again, for my slow readers, click here).

Things I’m sick of (as of 12 June 2006)
Be Your Own Pet: Thurston Moore must be having a midlife crisis where he thinks signing a third-rate punk band with a nubile-blonde-Lolita type of singer will give him the fountain of youth. Seriously, some publicist somewhere is jerking off with all the money he or she is receiving from pushing this band down the throat of every magazine and blog reader. Which leads me to my next topic.

Music blogs: Yes, I like them because I can find new music easily and I like the writing (see here, here, here, and here). But seriously, the way some music blogs operate, you’d think we lived in England. Eric recently commented on the state of music blogs, and whereas I agree with him that blogs are akin to fanzines on one level, I disagree with him on a whole other level. Most fanzines would come out very rarely, so a reader had time to soak in a new band that was praised. However, a lot of music blogs today are only about what’s new new new! It’s the ultimate rat race to the top of who can discover the next cool act. And it’s kind of pathetic.

Memoirs: This is another thing that’s kind of pathetic. What’s with fiction writers and poets releasing their memoirs after only publishing one book? Save your childhood trials and tribulations for later, after you’ve wowed me with your work and I actually want to know you better. The memoir has become the fallback crutch for those that lack creativity.

I think those three things will suffice for the moment.

Song of the Day
“The Idea of Growing Old” by The Features

(Thanks to I Guess I’m Floating for the music link.)

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5 thoughts on “The negative list

  1. I like the byop sound, but it’s pretty much a one trick band. And it gets grating after about 3 songs.


  2. i agree with you on the whole music blog thing to a certan extent. i do read a few of them, but it seems like it’s gotten to the point where they just link back and forth to each other now, citing what someone else said about so-and-so band. which all invariably leads back to mf-ing pitchfork. quite often i find that some music blogs give me a description of something new, but no real opinion — something that would never happen in the zine world. if it took someone a couple of months to put out a zine, it forced them to be SELECTIVE in what they talked about. quality vs. quantity.

  3. it was

    and fear not, WD will re-launch in the next couple of weeks.

  4. Brando: I enjoy their song “Adventure,” but after that, I just shrug my shoulders and find myself bored by their shtick.

    stonedranger: Me too. There are only a few that I can tolerate anymore, yours being one of them.

    Jen Medina: “If it took someone a couple of months to put out a zine, it forced them to be SELECTIVE in what they talked about. quality vs. quantity.” You totally took the words right out of my mouth. Amen!

    Andrea: Thank you and awesome!

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