“The Embrace” by Nichita Stănescu

I had never heard of Nichita Stănescu until I read about him on Writers No One Reads. I love the following poem, and I should really look for more of his works.

“The Embrace”

When we saw each other, the air
between us quickly tossed aside
the image of those trees, indifferent and bare,
it had before allowed to come inside.

Oh, we rushed, calling our names,
together,—thus did we quicken
that time was pressed between our chests
and the hour fell into minutes, stricken.

I wished to hold you in my arms
as I hold the body of childhood, in the past,
with its unrepeated dyings.
And I wished to embrace you with my ribs.

— trans. Thomas C. Carlson

via When we saw each other, the air between us… • (un)justly (un)read.

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