One Day Only: Part 3, The Show

Poster for my play, "Busted," at the One Day Only Festival

I saw my 10-minute play, “Busted,” on Saturday night as part of Rover Dramawerks‘ One Day Only festival. This is the first time anything was performed for an audience that I had written. It turned out great.

I was concerned that what I had in mind, as far as how the dialog should be delivered and how the characters should act, would not come through to the director. That was a needless worry; the director, Ashley White, did a wonderful job. The actors were great, too. The casting was just who I had in mind for the roles.

My play seemed to be shorter than the others. Maybe it was, or maybe I was just concentrating on it so much that time went by quicker. I was confused during one part of the night, because my play was supposed to be the first one after the intermission. It ended up being moved to the second to last play of the night. Nothing wrong with that.

One thing I learned is to make sure I include specific technical directions in the script. For example, I envisioned a quick lights out at the end; however, the play ended with a slow fade out. That’s not a huge issue, though. I just think that a quicker lights out would have made the last line pop more.

I had a great experience participating in the festival, and I’m planning on doing it again in June. I’m not sure if it was recorded (Rover recorded shows from the last one); but if it was, as soon as a copy is available I’ll post it on here.

Now, I need to write more plays and get them on stage.

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