One Day Only Festival

I’m participating tonight in something I’ve been wanting to do for years—taking part in Rover Dramawerks‘ One Day Only festival.

I’ve either been out of town or forgetful about signing up the last couple of years. This year, though, I made sure I was at my computer at the correct sign-in time. I had trouble signing up at first; the website wasn’t refreshing in my Chrome browser. I switched over to Firefox and made the cut, no problem.

The One Day Only festival brings together seven playwrights, seven directors, and approximately 40 actors. I’m participating as a playwright. I go to the theater tonight at 9 p.m. and work on an original 10-minute play throughout the evening until 5:30 a.m. The directors and actors arrive early in the morning and work on the plays all day, which are then presented at 8 p.m.

I’m not sure what my theme/suggestion will be (it will be drawn from a hat), so I’m not certain what kind of story I’ll write. I’m not worried, though, because I’m primarily there to have fun and experience the energy of producing a festival of plays in a 24-hour period.

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